Unitral , Mielno


Hotel Medical SPA Unitral spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością spółka komandytowa otrzymała dofinansowanie na realizajcę Projektu ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego.

Tytuł projektu: Projekt w ramach działania 3.4. Dotacje na kapitał obrotowy Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój 2014-2020.

Cel projektu: Projekt dotyczy wsparcia przedsiębiorcy w zakresie zapewnienia płynności finansowej oraz wsparia bieżącej działalności w zwiazku z trudnościami finansowymi, które wystąpiły u przedsiębiorcy wskutek epidemi COVID-19.

Hotel Unitral

Unitral Hotel is the biggest and the most modern hotel in Mielno - a spot with the real marine climate and the atmosphere of an elegant resort. Wide, sandy beaches, nearness of Jamno lake, diverse and varied flora make the stay here pleasurable. Hiking and bicycle routes as well as the waterway of Jamno lake run through the commune. It's a perfect place for people who prefer recreation, beautiful and clean beaches, air rich in iodine. Everyone will find perfect conditions to regenerate in Mielno. In Unieście, a spot located next to Mielno, there is a fishing port. You can see fishing boats, work with fishing nets, you can also buy fresh fish. In This place has become commune's flag spot and the favorite destination of hikes. Unitral Hotel is located in the center of Mielno, terefore all of the forms of entertainment are within your reach. However, it's worth to spend some time in the hotel and calm down in the luxurious atmosphere.

Let`s meet

Medical SPA Unitral for many years has served as Fitness and Rehabilitation Center with its twelve consulting-rooms equipped with modern equipment. Undoubtedly, our perfectly qualified personnel helps us to guarantee the highest level of rehabilitation and fitness services. Every guest is approached individually and with the great care. Procedures are conducted carefully so that the results are visible almost right after the treatment. The best procedures, excellent service and kind, family atmosphere not only influence health but also improve disposition, thanks to which even short holidays can be a real boost of positive energy.


"We have designed rooms in two standards with different needs of our guests in mind - comfortable three-star rooms as well as luxurious four-star rooms and apartments.


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The Seaside Hotel Family

21 JAN 25
22 JAN 25
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